Tuesday, June 26, 2007

After a long absence from the world of blogging im hoping to make an impressive recovery, and post much more now that I have endless hours of time on my hands.

Death Vessel - "Mandan Dink"

The first time I ever downloaded a Death Vessel song, I was uncertain, assuming it was going to blast me off into an unknown world of heavy metal acid rock from which I would quickly bounce back with bleeding ears and a new tendency to read books by their covers. Luckily, their music is just the opposite, it's highly bright, bighearted and wholesome. The group, led by frontman and multi-instrumentalist Joel Thibodeau, embraces a certain honky-tonk value that isnt spotted much in my world these days. "Mandan Dink" especially, encourages an incredibly catchy bounce which is repeated favorably throughout the song and each note drops refreshingly into what could be some sort of cowboy opera. I read somewhere that if you listen to Death Vessel, you wont ever have trouble making friends, which is something that im happy to pass on.

Emmy The Great - "Papertrails"

I think it might be my recent interest in Glastonbury that sparked a similar interest in the alternative diy locale there which sparked my interest in Emmy The Great. Also a member of London's anti-folk scene shes collaborated with artists such as Jeremy Warmsley and Helen White. And as said by Nothing But Green Lights, "The beautiful Emmy creates beautiful and simple stories of dreams, moves, birds, sewing needles and a ball of string". I obviously couldnt have said it better myself.